Blatter's remarks about racism in football have caused a commotion globally. But what did he actually say? He declared that racism wasn't a major issue in the sport and that post-game handshakes could fix on-field racism. This sparked outrage from players, the media, and the public, leading to calls for his resignation.
However, I view the situation differently. Is racism a problem in football and society? Absolutely. But I believe that racism in daily life is far more significant than what happens on the football field. I've heard various insults on the pitch and terraces, but why is it acceptable for those to be brushed off with a handshake while racist slurs are not? By being overly sensitive to racism, are we not perpetuating the problem?
Insulting someone due to their race is not worse than doing so because of their weight, religion, or sexuality. Calling someone a "black c*nt" on the pitch doesn't automatically make someone racist. In football, insults are used to unsettle opponents, and the specific insult used may not reflect the player's views on race.
For instance, I don't think John Terry is a racist, but I do think he called Anton Ferdinand a "black c*nt". The real racists would never be so open with their declarations.
Blatter should step down for other reasons, not because of these comments. His hesitation on goal-line technology, FIFA corruption, and his re-election without opposition are more significant issues. The X-Factor generation is quick to jump on a witch hunt, and Blatter is the perfect target.