Tuesday, 28 October 2014

This Will Make You Think

I'm currently knee-deep in preparations for two looming court appearances. It's a personal matter, and one that I feel extremely passionate about.

It's no secret that our society views violence by women against men in a completely different light than the reverse. As evidenced in a viral video, when a man hits a woman, good Samaritans rush to the woman's aid, as they should. But when the roles are reversed, bystanders smirk and jeer, assuming that the man must have provoked the attack. No one rushes to help him.

Shocking statistics reveal that violence against men accounts for a staggering 40% of all reported incidents of domestic violence, and that number is likely much higher due to the stigma and shame surrounding male victims. It's a pervasive attitude that will take generations to shift, much like the fight for women's liberation in the workplace. While women had to work harder to prove themselves competent, men face a similar uphill battle when it comes to domestic violence. It's time for attitudes to change.

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