Wednesday, 16 July 2014


If we looked at the sky we'd both agree that it was blue, but would the colour we perceive in our minds be the same? 

Could your perception of blue be my orange, or your green, my red? It's an interesting concept and a difficult one to definitively prove either way. 

Our perception of what is 'real' is subject to... our perception! A beautiful paradox which Plato describes perfectly in the story of 'The Cave' 

It's truly mind-boggling to think about the subjectivity of our perception of reality. When I see the colour blue, do you see it the same way I do? We might both look up at the sky and agree that it's blue, but the blue that I experience could be different from the blue that you see.

What if your perception of blue is my orange, or my green is your red? The idea that two people can see the same thing and experience it differently is a fascinating concept, and one that has stumped philosophers and scientists for centuries.

This is where the idea of subjective reality comes into play. Our perception of what is "real" is determined by our own perception, and no two people will ever experience the same thing in exactly the same way. It's a beautiful paradox that has been described in the story of "The Cave" by Plato.

We live in a world that is constantly changing, and our perception of it is constantly evolving. It's important to remember that what is "real" to us might not be "real" to someone else, and that's okay. It's what makes our world so diverse and unique.

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