The arrival of my two little people at six in the evening today has brought my writing to an abrupt halt. For the next 48 hours, my mind, body and soul will be consumed by the unapologetic domination of my children. It's a feeling of overwhelming joy that I have been looking forward to for weeks, after the agony of separation from them in a prison cell, just fourteen days ago. The memory of our reunion earlier is etched into my mind and heart forever. Every second of their presence is a precious gift that I will cherish deeply.
Initially, I started writing out of necessity, to document the events that were unfolding before me. I had no idea that it would become a source of comfort for me, and hopefully for others too. Though the experience was far from pleasant, with time, I can already see that it has been a positive one. My hope is that it might offer solace and guidance to other fathers (and mothers) in similar situations.
To my surprise, my writing has been receiving a lot of attention, with over a thousand hits in just a week. It seems that someone, somewhere, is following along with bated breath. I have two more instalments to share with you, though for now, they are nothing but scribbles on the back of prison induction leaflets.
So, dear reader, I bid you farewell for now. I will return next week with the conclusion of my story. In the meantime, savour your freedom, and make the most of the time you have with those you love.
Part 1 - Incarceration
Part 2 - 56 Days